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Ocean Going

173′ Magnolia Class
Model: No

Designation Name Class Hull Service Comments Picture
USLHT/USCGC Magnolia WAGL 231 1904 – 1945 Rammed and sunk by SS Marguerite Lehand CGAA
USLHT/USCGC Ivy 1904 – 1940

190′ Manzanita Class
Model: No

Designation Name Class Hull Service Comments Picture
USLHT/USCGC Anemone WAGL 202 1908 – 1946
USLHT/USCGC Cypress WAGL 211 1908 – 1946 CGH
USLHT/USCGC Hibiscus WAGL 218 1908 – 1946 CGH
USLHT/USCGC Manzanita WAGL 223 1908 – 1946
USLHT/USCGC Kukui WAGL 225 1908 – 1946 CGH
USLHT/USCGC Orchid WAGL 240 1908 – 1945 To the Philippines
USLHT/USCGC Sequoia WAGL 243 1908 – 1946 To the Philippines
USLHT/USCGC Tulip WAGL 249 1908 – 1945

200’ Cedar Class
Largest tender ever built for the LHS (1,970 tons)
Model: Yes

Designation Name Service Comments Pictures
USLHT/USCGC Cedar 1917 – 1950 CGAA

160′ Oak Class
Model: No

Designation Name Class Hull Service Comments Picture
USLHT/USCGC Hawthorn WAGL 215 1921 – 1964 CGAA
USLHT/USCGC Oak WAGL 239 1921 – 1964 To the Smithsonian CGH

172′ Speedwell Class (Ex-Army Speedwell Class Mine Planter)
Model: No

Designation Name Class Hull Service Comments Picture
(ex USAMP General John F. Story
WAGL 200 1927 – 1942 Sunk by U-Boat
The only buoy tender lost to enemy action
(ex USAMP General Edmund Kirby)
WAGL 222 1922 – 1946
(ex USAMP Colonel Albert Todd)
WAGL 229 1924 – 1946 CGH
(ex USAMP Gen. W. P. Randolph)
WAGL 230 1927 – 1947
(ex USAMP Col. John V. White)
WAGL 245 1923 – 1947
(ex USAMP General Garland N. Whistler)
WAGL 246 1923 – 1946

173′ Violet Class
Model: No

Designation Name Class Hull Service Comments Picture
227 1933 – 1972 Donated to Harry Lundberg Seafarers International Union School
237 1939 – 1968
250 1930 – 1962 CGAA

175′ Hollyhock Class
Last vessels designed by and delivered to the Light House Service
The third of the class, Fir, was delivered to the Coast Guard
Fir reigned as Queen of the Fleet from 1988 to 1991
Model: No

Designation Name Class Hull Service Comments Picture
USLHT/USCGC Hollyhock WAGL 220 1937 – 1982 Sunk as reef off Florida CGH
USLHT/USCGC Walnut WAGL 252 1939 – 1982 To Honduras CGH
USLHT/USCGC Fir WAGL 212 1940 – 1991 Designed by LHS – Delivered to CG
Entire career in the Pacific Northwest
Queen of the Fleet 1988 to 1991
To Liberty Marine Maritime Museum in Sacramento, CA

177’ Juniper Class
Last vessel designed by USLHS
Model: No

Designation Name Service Comments Pictures
USLHT/USCGC Juniper 1940 – 1975

Misc One-of-a-Kind Ocean Going Tenders
Beech: Yes

Designation Name Class Hull Service Comments Picture
USLHT/USCGC Amaranth 166′ WAGL 201 1892 – 1945
USLHT/USCGC Arbutus 174′ WAGL 203 1933 – 1967 CGAA
USLHT/USCGC Aspen 125′ WAGL 204 1906 – 1948 CGAA
USLHT/USCGC Azalea (Lilac) 173′ WAGL 227 1933 – 1972
USLHT/USCGC Beech 101′ WAGL 205 1928 – 1963 CGAA
USLHT/USCGC Birch 72′ WAGL 256 1939 – 1963
USLHT/USCGC Camellia 116′ WAGL 206 1911 – 1947 CGAA
USLHT/USCGC Cherry 86′ WAGL 258 1932 – 1964 CGAA
USLHT/USCGC Cottonwood 151′ WAGL 209 1939 – 1946
USLHT/USCGC Heather 178′ WAGL 1903 – 1940 To the Army
USLHT/USCGC Hemlock 174′ WAGL 217 1934 – 1958
USLHT/USCGC Hyacinth 160′ 1903 – 1945 CGAA
USLHT/USCGC Hydrangea 164′
(former Mayflower)
(former USS Suwanee)
WAGL 236 1897 – 1945 CGAA
USLHT/USCGC Kickapoo 157′ WAGL 56 1919 – 1945
USLHT/USCGC Mayflower 164′
(ex USS Suwanee)
(later CGC Hydrangea)
WAGL 236 1897 – 1945
USLHT/USCGC Mangrove 164′ WAGL 232 1897 – 1946 CGH
USLHT/USCGC Rose 127′ WAGL 242 1916 – 1947 CGAA
USLHT/USCGC Shrub 107′
(ex USS F. Mansfield)
WAGL 244 1920 – 1947

180′ Cactus/Mesquite/Iris Class
First class of buoy tenders built for the Coast Guard
Designed with ice breaking hulls
Acacia was decommissioned in 2006
Lighthouse Tender (<1967)
Buoy Tender, Large (>1967)
Model: Yes

Designation Name Sub-Class Class Hull Service Comments Picture
USCGC Evergreen 180A Cactus WAGL/WLB 295 1943 – 1990 CGH
USCGC Balsam 180A Cactus WAGL/WLB 62 1942 – 1975 CGH
USCGC Cactus 180A Cactus WAGL/WLB 142 1942 – 1971 CGH
USCGC Cowslip 180A Cactus WAGL/WLB 277 1942 – 1973 To Nigeria CGH
USCGC Conifer 180A Cactus WAGL/WLB 301 1943 – 2000 CGH
USCGC Gentian 180A Cactus WAGL/WLB 290 1942 – 2006 To Columbia CGH
USCGC Woodbine 180A Cactus WAGL/WLB 289 1942 – 1972 To the Cleveland Public School System CGH
USCGC Laurel 180A Cactus WAGL/WLB 291 1942 – 1999 CGH
USCGC Clover 180A Cactus WAGL/WLB 292 1942 – 1990 CGH
USCGC Sorrel 180A Cactus WAGL/WLB 296 CGH
USCGC Citrus 180A Cactus WAGL/WLB 300 1943 – 1994 To Dominican Republic CGH
USCGC Madrona 180A Cactus WAGL/WLB 302 1943 – 2002 To El Salvador CGH
USCGC Tupelo 180A Cactus WAGL/WLB 303 1943 – 1975 CGH
USCGC Ironwood 180B Mesquite WAGL/WLB 297 1943 – 2000 To Department of Interior
Training vessel for Maritime Training Program
USCGC Mesquite 180B Mesquite WAGL/WLB 305 1943 – 1989 Sunk as reef in Keystone Bay CGH
USCGC Buttonwood 180B Mesquite WAGL/WLB 306 1943 – 2001 To Dominican Republic CGH
USCGC Planetree 180B Mesquite WAGL/WLB 307 1943 – 1999 CGH
USCGC Papaw 180B Mesquite WAGL/WLB 308 1943 – 1999 Donated to Canvasback Missions Benicia, CA CGH
USCGC Sweetgum 180B Mesquite WAGL/WLB 309 1943 – 2002 To Panama CGH
Redbud 180C Iris WAGL/WLB
398 1944 – 1949 To the Navy for DEW line construction and support NS
USCGC Basswood 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 388 1944 – 1998 CGH
USCGC Bittersweet 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 389 1944 – 1997 To Estonia CGH
USCGC Blackhaw 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 390 1944 – 1993 To the Navy CGH
USCGC Blackthorn 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 391 1944 – 1980 Sunk in collision CGH
USCGC Bramble 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 392 1944 – 2003 Museum ship in Port Huron CGH
USCGC Firebush 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 393 1944 – 2003 To Nigeria CGH
USCGC Hornbeam 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 394 1944 – 1999 CGH
USCGC Iris 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 395 1944 – 1995 CGH
USCGC Mallow 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 396 1944 – 1997 CGH
USCGC Mariposa 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 397 1944 – 2000 To Navy as training vessel CGH
USCGC Sagebrush 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 399 1944 – 1988 Artificial reef CGH
USCGC Salvia 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 400 1944 – 1991 To the Navy CGH
USCGC Sassafrass 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 401 1944 – 2003 To Nigeria CGH
USCGC Sedge 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 402 1944 – 2002 To Nigeria CGH
USCGC Spar 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 403 1944 – 1997 CGH
USCGC Sundew 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 404 1944 – 2004 CGH
USCGC Sweetbriar 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 405 1944 – 2001 To Ghana CGH
USCGC Acacia 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 406 1944 – 2006 CGH
USCGC Woodrush 180C Iris WAGL/WLB 407 CGH

189′ Ivy Class (ex Chimo Class Mine Layer)
Acquired from the Army
All were decommissioned in 1967/1968
Lighthouse Tender (<1967)
Buoy Tender, Large (>1967)
Model: No

Designation Name Class Hull Service Comments Pictures
(ex USS Barbican)
(ex Colonel George Armistead)
WABL/WLB 329 1947 – 1969 NS
USCGC Jonquil
(ex USS Bastion)
(ex Colonel Henry J. Hunt)
WAGL/WLB 330 1946 – 1969 NS
USCGC Heather
(ex USS Obstructor)
(ex 1stLt William G. Sylvester)
WABL/WLB 331 1947 – 1967 NS
USCGC Willow
(ex USS Picket)
(ex Army General Henry Knox)
WAGL/WLB 332 1947 – 1969 NS

132′ White Class (ex Navy YF-257 Class Lighter)
Acquired from the Navy
White Sumac was decommissioned in 2002
Lighthouse Tender (<1967)
Buoy Tender, Medium (>1967)
Model: No

Designation Name Class Hull Service Comments Pictures
USCGC White Sumac
(ex USS YF-416)
WAGL/WLM 540 1947 – 2002 To Dominican Republic
USCGC White Alder
(ex USS YF-417)
WAGL/WLM 541 1947 – 1968 Sank after collision – buried in the Mississippi River CGH
USCGC White Bush
(ex USS YF-339)
WAGL/WLM 542 1947 – 1985
USCGC White Holly
(ex USS YF-341)
WAGL/WLM 543 1947 – 1998 To the Seaman’s Training Center in Vallejo CA as research vessel CGH
USCGC White Sage
(ex USS YF-444)
WAGL/WLM 544 1947 – 1996 To Canvasback Missions CGH
USCGC White Heath
(ex USS YF-445)
WAGL/WLM 545 1947 – 1998 To Tunisia
USCGC White Lupine
(ex USS YF-446)
WAGL/WLM 546 1947 – 1998 To Tunisia NS
USCGC White Pine
(exx USS YF-448)
WAGL/WLM 547 1948 – 1999 To Dominican Republic

157′ Red Class
These cutters were all decommissioned by 1999
Lighthouse Tender (<1967)
Buoy Tender, Medium (>1967)
Model: No

Designation Name Class Hull Service Comments Pictures
USCGC Red Wood WAGL/WLM 685 1964 – 1999 To Argentina
USCGC Red Beech WAGL/WLM 686 1964 – 1997 Artificial reef
USCGC Red Birch WAGL/WLM 687 1965 – 1998 To Argentina CGH
USCGC Red Cedar WLM 688 1970 – 1999 To Argentina
USCGC Red Oak WLM 689 1971 – 1996 Artificial reef

225′ Juniper Class Buoy Tender, Large
Replaced the 180s
Model: No

Designation Name Class Hull Service Comments Pictures
USCGC Juniper WLB 201 1996 – Active CGH
USCGC Willow WLB 202 1997 – Active CGH
USCGC Kukui WLB 203 1997 – Active CGH
USCGC Elm WLB 204 1998 – Active CGH
USCGC Walnut WLB 205 1999 – Active CGH
USCGC Spar WLB 206 2000 – Active CGH
USCGC Maple WLB 207 2001 – Active CGH
USCGC Aspen WLB 208 2000 – Active CGH
USCGC Sycamore WLB 209 2001 – Active CGH
USCGC Cypress WLB 210 2002 – Active CGH
USCGC Oak WLB 211 2002 – Active CGH
USCGC Hickory WLB 212 2002 – Active CGH
USCGC Fir WLB 213 2003 – Active CGH
USCGC Hollyhock WLB 214 2003 – Active CGH
USCGC Sequoia WLB 215 2003 – Active CGH
USCGC Alder WLB 216 2004 – Active CGH

175′ Ida Lewis (Keeper) Class Buoy Tender, Medium
Replaced the 157s
Model: No

Designation Name Class Hull Service Comments Pictures
USCGC Ida Lewis WLM 551 1998 – Active CGH
USCGC Ketherin Walker WLM 552 1997 – Active CGH
USCGC Abbie Burgess WLM 553 1998 – Active CGH
USCGC Marcus Hanna WLM 554 1998 – Active CGH
USCGC James Rankin WLM 555 1998 – Active CGH
USCGC Joshua Appleby WLM 556 1998 – Active CGH
USCGC Frank Drew WLM 557 1999 – Active CGH
USCGC Anthony Petit WLM 558 1999 – Active CGH
USCGC Barbara Mabrity WLM 559 1999 – active CGH
USCGC William Tate WLM 560 CGH
USCGC Harry Claiborne WLM 561 1999 – Active CGH
USCGC Maria Bray WLM 562 2000 – Active CGH
USCGC Henry Blake WLM 563 2000 – Active CGH
USCGC George Cobb WLM 564 2000 – Active CGH