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Questionable Authenticity Model Comments Cat Scale Built
Rocky Point Lighthouse Branch line Rocky Point is red and white striped
Working light – Nice kit – But not Rocky Point
3603 1/87
Historic Lighthouse Dumas Actual stone slab construction
Does not match any real US light
40211 1/87
Lighthouse Unk Generic “lighthouse” model
2 complete lights: neither was realistic
Coast Guard Tug Lindberg Does not compare to any operational unit
USRC Ranger (1852) Corel Only Ranger was an early 1800s unarmed LHS schooner
Has the lines of an early 1800s cutter
but the name is wrong
SH-3 MPC Sold with USCG decals,
but it is a Navy SH-3
CG never operated the SH-3
Lights and Sound Huey Revell Sold with USCG decals
CG never operated the UH-1 Huey
J4F Dumas Wood: Looks like a caricature of the airplane
4×4 Marine Rescue Van Testors Sold with CG decals
CG never operated a van like this